Saturday, December 09, 2006

Love's labour lost

Someone accused me a few days ago. And quite vehemently at that. It seems that my heart is a beggar's bowl. I let women in quick. I don't know about that. Yes, I have a good eye and I appreciate beauty much better than others do. During the years of my graduation, I had as many crushes as the number of lecture days. Most fizzled out in an hour. A couple lasted almost the length of a semester. But hey, that was college.

Once in a while, I did come across women who I thought I could spend the rest of my life with. Atleast I felt I could. But I did not quite feel it enough. As the Oracle in The Matrix trilogy said I did not feel it through and through, balls to bones. In hindsight, it was good that I never expressed my feelings to the women in question. Alas, hindsight is the comb that life gives you when you have lost all your hair.

Anyway. Now is when I tell you about women. Rather, how I define a woman. It has nothing to do with a person's age. It is all about character and attitude. If a two-year old has it in her, she is a woman as far as I am concerned. Interestingly, there are a few two-year olds I know who are more women than their mothers can ever hope to be. That does not mean that their mothers are not women. Some of them are, and too much of a woman for most men to handle.

Exactly the kinds I would term 'my kind of woman'. That I should come across them only after they slip a ring on their left ring fingers is perhaps as ironical as it can get. But I have never ever discriminated on the basis of race, colour, or marital status. Besides, there is something about a married woman. It is the taboo about the whole thing that is such a tremendous, sky-scraping high.

Let's not get into whether I have ever been with a married woman. Partly because I like a bit of mystery about me. Mostly because my sister reads my blog. Anything I say further makes me risk implicating myself. I might even be disowned. Either that, or I am just a sad pathetic loser who has had no action. Take your pick.

Aside: Why does love have to be a one-way street?

1 comment:

Dirty Lil Secret said...

There is a song that goes "I found love on a two way street, but lost it on a lonely highway."

There are those of us who live a marriage of convenience. The ring deters many. Perhaps that is why my own was removed 15 years ago.

On this manic Monday, keep your head above the water line and if nothing else ... dog paddle.
