Thursday, May 22, 2008

Of Die Hard and Romanticism

Being a man of strong opinions, I have been accused of many things. Never before, though, have I been accused of ‘pulling off a Scripto’ or something to that effect.

For the uninitiated, ‘Scripto’ is a term of supreme endearment that my favourite blog reader addresses me with. Whether the endearment ends there I shall never know – I would be shattered if it did. Thus I choose to live in my ignorant bliss.

I have been a die-hard romantic, strictly in the sense of John McClain who simply refuses to die however hard the situation may be. I take pride in my romanticism being as it is a disappearing trait indeed in these days of T20 cricket, not that I have anything against or for this brand of the sport. At any rate, I refuse to partake in an argument that has many takers. I root for the underdog, always have, always will.

Instead let us examine the psychological effects of a nude painting of Lalitha Pawar on adolescent boys. This is a thin line to walk. Aside from bordering child molestation, it verily crosses into the territory of human rights abuse. I do not know what is more horrifying – subjecting under-age boys to the anguish or having the imagination to conjure up such a scenario.


Aran said...

'Allo. I had a really strong urge to write a poem about you in this comment along the lines of Mary, Mary quite contrary, but I resisted.

So, what do you mean by -- "Whether the endearment ends there I shall never know – I would be shattered if it did"? You want to know whether the endearment end where? I will gladly clear all your doubts, you know!

Script Writer said...

What? You passed on the urge to write a poem about me? After I dedicate an entire post to you, this is what you do to me!

May be in this case I do not want my doubts to be cleared. It would decimate me if you give me an answer I do not wish to hear.

Aran said...

You want childish poems written about you?!

But I didn't even understand the question!

Script Writer said...

So what if I am not Jules whose uncles conveniently happen to be The Beatles who write a song for her? The lesser mortals among us have to be satisfied with what we get.

I quite like flummoxing you.